Designed by Paul E Garbutt

This design was by Paul E. Garbutt who was assistant secretary and New Works Officer. He did the work producing this in his spare time because he, along with many others, disliked the current version.

The changes introduced by Garbutt are listed below:

Curves and bends are restored which allows a little more flexibility and the spreading out of some stations.
The so called "white line connectors" - the passenger interconnections between stations on different lines, have been re-introduced.
Re-established the clean horizontal line for the Central Line and a nice straight vertical line for the Northern Line. This, in a way, was going back to the style originally produced in 1933.
The square illustrations have been replaced by a dot inside a black circle for interchange stations with British Rail.
A new shape has been introduced for the Circle Line which became known as the vacuum flask shape.
The words "Escalator connection" between Monument and Bank are introduced, this year, on the diagram.